This Sunday's message: The Song of Zechariah

July 20

Today's reading: Hosea 2:2-23

Verses 2-13 are a poetic description of Israel’s idolatry as marital infidelity which further expands on the theme of Israel as God's unfaithful wife. Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and Isaiah all use this same allegory in their prophecies. Hosea pictures the judgment that will be meted out as a result of their unfaithfulness.

In verses 14-23 God describes HIs plan for wooing Israel back and restoring their relationship. That prophecy has yet to be fulfilled.

This chapter reminds us that God is not done with Israel yet. He has a special love for her and some special blessings that are reserved just of the Jewish people. We need to love Israel and the Jewish people the same way God does. Even though they don't currently recognize Jesus as the Messiah, we need to have compassion on them and pray for them.

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