This Sunday's message: The Song of Zechariah

May 22

Today's Reading: 2 Samuel 12:1-31

We learn an important lesson about our sin in this chapter. When Nathan confronts David about his sin, he immediately acknowledges it before God. And God graciously forgives him. But God does not remove the consequences of his sin and the son that had been born as a result of David's adultery dies.

For those who have put their faith in Jesus, God promises to forgive our sins. But He doesn't always take away the consequences of that sin. I once had someone tell me that they knew that getting a divorce was a sin, but that they were going to do it anyway because they knew God would forgive them. And I believe He did. But I also witnessed how that divorce impacted the family of that person for decades. The same thing happens here. David's family is so messed up going forward that it ultimately results in the nation of Israel being split in half.

Remember, our sin always has consequences, not only for us, but for our families and others who can be impacted by that sin.

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