This Sunday's message: The Song of Zechariah

March 28

Today's reading: Deuteronomy 30:1-20

Here we see that God will never force His people to do what He has commanded. He lays out for us the choice of obedience, which leads to life, or disobedience, which leads to death. That means that we can never blame God for our sin - that is always our choice.

We also see here that God delights in forgiveness and restoration when we humbly come before Him and acknowledge our sin and seek to develop obedient hearts. His desire is to bless us and prosper us (not necessarily in terms of material possessions). So when we sin the worst thing we can do is to run from God or try to hide from Him like Adam and Eve did. Instead we need to draw near to Him and experience the blessing of His grace and mercy.
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